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Build your international career working with Eitree

- We simplify aceess to opportunities for tech professionals seeking jobs with international companies. - We vet and qualify all professionals to ensure that you are joining and elite ecosystem of talent. - We support you and place you with the right opportunity for your skills and abilities. - We make sure the contracts are in order, payments are made on time, and that you only need to worry about your work.

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Make US dollars working from home

We want our tech talent to earn what they are worth. We know how hard it is to become skilled professionals and deliver the world while receiving less than what's fair. That's why we decided to build Eitree. Connecting talent to opportunities that actually value our work and pay what we deserve is why we work so hard to build this bridge. Brazil is a hot-spot for tech talent and countries around the world are over-worked and under-staffed. We are solving that problem. And if you have what it takes: the skills, the mindset, the drive, and the desire to succeed, we will help you find opportunities that will leave you fulfilled as a professional and help set you on the right path for long-term success.

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Contact us today!

We are here to answer all of your questions. If you believe you have what it takes to join our ever-growing talent pool, reach out today so we can schedule our first call.

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